Category Archives: PRINT

The Science of Spending Stimulus Money Wisely Comments Off on The Science of Spending Stimulus Money Wisely

By MIGUEL HELFT and MAGGIE FAZELI FARD The New York Times Dr. Wim Leemans, a physicist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, shows a touch of parental pride for the hulking machine he affectionately calls T-Rex — a high-intensity laser that pushes electrons around. But a new machine called Bella — formally, the Berkeley Lab […]

Where the Club Crowd Eats at 4 A.M. on the Weekend 0

Their destination is a floodlit corner of Avenue of the Americas, where a line of glittering short skirts and dark designer jeans trails down 53rd Street under a fog of smoke. It’s 4 a.m. on a Sunday morning, and if their parties are no longer quite in full swing, they are at least ending on a satisfying note.

Faces of Autism: An Adult On The Spectrum 0

Scott Robertson describes himself as a “computer geek” who has “trouble smiling for cameras.” But for countless autistic men, women and children, Robertson is a symbol of hope.

Sights set on the future 0

Ben Vercellone’s world went black when he was 4-and-a-half years old. A car accident left his mom and sister dead, his body skewered, and his eyesight gone.